Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Online Tutoring - What Students Can Do To Avoid Online Tutoring Dangers

Online Tutoring - What Students Can Do To Avoid Online Tutoring DangersOnline tutoring companies are a fantastic and convenient way to teach classes of all sizes and demographics. They also offer students the opportunity to gain experience and polish their speaking and writing skills. However, as great as online tutoring is for students, it can be dangerous for the tutor and his or her students too.Online tutoring companies provide a wide range of services, from personal training to specialty subjects. The fees charged by these companies vary significantly. Most have membership or 'paid' programs that require a minimum number of credits for full membership. Usually, members will have access to private chat rooms, educational games, and other online tools. But, like any form of tutoring, there are certain dangers when the tutor becomes the student becomes the tutor.Students who become too attached to their online teachers may find themselves becoming obsessed with their progress. They may get so involved in their online learning process that they may lose touch with reality. While this may not cause physical harm, it can be damaging to their self-esteem. It can leave them feeling frustrated and stuck in their online education. Students may end up withdrawing from their online tutoring activities.While there are many advantages to online tutoring, there are also some dangers associated with it. One of the main dangers that online tutors face is learning too much too fast. As a tutor, one should be aware that knowledge is important but it must be harnessed and put into action. This means that they must learn and acquire new knowledge from one lesson to the next.Another danger that students of online tutoring may face is over-specialization. Too many students may find themselves becoming lost in their online education. For example, they may not know enough about their subject to write a student report, research paper, or even simply to research a topic. While this is an unfortunate possibility, it can be avoided by knowing the basics of a topic and being able to access the information that the student needs.Another danger that students of online tutoring face is procrastination. Some students find that they cannot commit to their online tutoring activities and that they simply want to run away from them. There are many different reasons for this, but one common reason is the fear of failure. It's important for students to develop their own determination, but they also need to know that they can make a mistake without feeling that they will be punished. It's important for a student to realize that their success or failure is not their fault.Finally, one of the most dangerous situation is falling prey to peer pressure. Students need to be responsible for their own actions and they should try to avoid peer pressure. This means that they need to avoid peer pressure and if they must interact with others, they should do so through a trusted friend. There are many great resources available to help students avoid peer pressure while making online tutoring enjoyable and successful.So, while online tutoring can be a great learning experience, there are many dangers to it as well. Students and tutors need to ensure that they are safe at all times.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

How to Start a Sustainable Teaching Service

How to Start a Sustainable Teaching ServiceGreenhouse gas emissions are a huge problem for the environment and a big cause of concern for the world at large. As a result, a number of organizations have taken the initiative to reduce or control the emissions from fossil fuels and they have all joined forces to provide the world with green income, green opportunity and green products. In this regard, there is a new invention that will allow individuals the freedom to earn green income from their homes through an HGTC tutoring center.This is the invention of the GTC, which stands for greenhouse gas certification. The service is intended to provide a means of certifying a product as sustainable. This service is to be provided by a green income teaching organization that offers full training and certification for students to be able to earn green income. This service is offered in partnership with the World Resources Institute and the International Green Business Council.A number of peopl e are already taking advantage of this green income opportunity. These people are currently receiving HGTC certified degrees in sustainable learning centers from a wide variety of universities and institutes in the United States and abroad. These institutions are also providing tuition reimbursement for this service and some institutions offer free training and certification courses to their students. Thus, the entrepreneur can now offer high quality programs to students of all ages and backgrounds.One of the easiest ways to start a company like this is to contract the services of a business consultant. They will assist you with the necessary paperwork so that you are ready to begin operations. When the accountant is finished, you will have completed the major steps in launching your business.In the traditional model, the education institutes are very expensive and do not pay out much to the individual. They are very strict about their curriculum and only offer relevant courses. An HGTC certification provides the students with a quality education, which is unlike other conventional schools. There is a need for companies to partner with individuals who will offer sustainable learning, so that they are able to compete on a level playing field.Many companies recognize the importance of green income but they do not know how to go about starting a program. With this new invention, there is a way to teach courses with proven results. This is particularly useful for parents who want to enroll their children in a green earning institute. The programs available are already proven and have a good track record.There are many online resources available for you if you need guidance or help. However, it is important to consider the needs of the business before you choose any organization and make your final decision.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is calculus used for

What is calculus used for Calculus is the section in mathematics which is used in various fields and this branch of mathematics helps us analyze the behaviors of different functions. Calculus is a vast section and it includes various applications such as finding the area between the curves, maximum and minimum values possible for a function, structure of the graph and its continuity etc. These applications of calculus are used in different fields such as engineering and technology, business etc. and these concepts also help us find solutions to complex problems. Example 1: Find the slope of the given straight line, f(x) = 2x + 11 using the derivative method. In order to find the derivative, we can use the Power rule of the Derivatives: d(xn)/dx = n * xn-1 We can distribute the derivative to both the terms: d(2x + 11)/dx [ d(2x)/ dx ] + [ d(11)/ dx ] Using the above formula, we get 2(x1-1) + 0 = 2 Hence the slope or the derivative of the given straight line is 2. Example 2: Find the slope of the tangent drawn to the given function, f(x) = x2 + 3x at x = 1. Using the Power rule of the Derivatives: d(xn)/dx = n * xn-1 d(x2 + 3x)/dx [ d(x2)/ dx ] + [ d(3x)/ dx ] Using the above formula, we get 2(x2-1) + 3(x1-1) = 2x + 3 Hence the slope is = 2x + 3. When x = 1, the slope = 2(1) + 3 = 2+ 3 = 5 Hence the slope of the tangent to the curve at x = 1 is 5.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Introverts Guide to Enjoying Solo Travel - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / The Introverts Guide to Enjoying Solo Travel - Introvert Whisperer The Introverts Guide to Enjoying Solo Travel Solo travel is a remarkable thing to enjoy. It’ll allow you to explore the world freely without relying on the company of anyone else.   However, it can prove to be quite a challenge for introverts as you may be reluctant to meet other people and join in with group activities.   If that’s the case; here’s the introvert’s guide to enjoying solo travel.   Explore beyond your comfort zone One great way to enjoy solo travel as an introvert is to explore the areas beyond your comfort zone.   While this may seem like an entirely daunting prospect at first, you’ll soon see developments and improvements in your confidence levels and people skills.   Any activity that you wouldn’t usually participate in, such as kayaking, mountain climbing or bungy jumping for example, will really push you out of your comfort zone and help to build your confidence massively. It will also show you that you’re much more capable of things than you first thought, which will only aid you when it comes to future solo travel trips.   Immerse yourself in nature a lot Immersing yourself in nature is such an ideal way to enjoy solo travel as an introvert.   Spending time in nature in places such as the beautiful Scottish Highlands really allows you to reconnect with yourself and become one with your surroundings. Walking in the Scottish Highlands is the perfect place to do this as you can enjoy the peace and quiet and enjoy spending some quality time with yourself.   Even if you only go for a walk through the local park in the city that you’re visiting, you can really try to reconnect with yourself and enjoy the beautiful scenery and tranquillity that nature offers.     Pluck up the courage to ask someone to take your picture As a notorious introvert, you may be incredibly shy when it comes to asking people, especially strangers, for a favour but as a solo traveller, this is an incredibly effective way to ensure you’re enjoying yourself.     Something as simple as asking someone to take your picture can be a great way to embrace solo travel and ensure that you document all your experiences. While taking your own pictures of all the landscapes and cityscapes that you’ve seen is amazing, you also need to make sure you’ve got plenty of pictures of yourself too!   Most people will be more than happy to help you out and take your picture, especially if they recognise how much of a big deal it was for you to go out of your way to ask them.   Sit near the bar at restaurants Another great way to enjoy solo travel as an introvert is to sit at the bar at restaurants. While it may seem like an odd thing to suggest, it’s actually a great tip to bear in mind when you’re solo travelling as an introvert.   This is because a seat at a table in the middle of a busy restaurant can feel quite overwhelming and intimidating, especially when you’re eating alone.     However, by sitting at the bar, you’ll have a great view of the ambience and vibe of the restaurant, without being in the middle of all the hubbub. It’ll also mean that you won’t have to feel too awkward when ordering your food as you’ll be close to the staff and waiters who can easily and comfortably take your order.   Take advantage of group tours As an introvert, you’re much more likely to want to spend the majority of your time alone when travelling.   However, a great way to enjoy your solo travel trip even more is to join group tours. You’ll get the chance to meet lots of new people, see things you might not have otherwise seen and it’s also a great opportunity to push yourself out of your comfort zone.   There are so many amazing group tours to take advantage of. Whether you want to join a group tour of an entire country, city or just an excursion, they can be an incredible way to enhance your solo travel experience even more.   Conclusion Enjoying solo travel comes in many different forms and variations. Each individual experience of solo travel pertains to each person but by following the steps above, you’re much more likely to enjoy your time solo travelling as an introvert.   Ensure you push yourself out of your comfort zone when travelling and try to join group tours when you can to give yourself the chance to meet new people and gain new experiences.     Immersing yourself in nature as much as you can is also a great way to enjoy solo travel as you’ll be able to take yourself off for long walks and enjoy the beautiful views and scenery.   Author Bio: Rebecca is a translator by day, and a traveler mostly at night. She is an expert on living with jet lag â€" and packing in tiny suitcases. You can read more of her exploits at RoughDraft. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Everything You Need to Know About the Blues Scale on Guitar

Everything You Need to Know About the Blues Scale on Guitar Sign up successful What is the Blues Scale? In its simplest form, the blues scale is simply a pentatonic scale. That might sound complicated, so lets break down the theory. Look at a piano if you have one, or look up an image of piano keys. Take a look at the black keys on the piano. They naturally fall into the pentatonic scale pattern. If you want to hear the pentatonic scale in the easiest way, just play anything you want on the black keys only. The gaps between the groups of black keys show you something very important about the scale. Some of the notes are farther apart than others. This is because there are two types of “intervals” (or, spaces between notes) in the pentatonic scale. There are whole steps and minor thirds. The whole step is made up of two half-steps. This is also equal to two frets on the guitar. The minor third is made up of three half-steps, which is equal to three frets on the guitar. Whole steps and minor thirds are also referred to as “steps” and “skips.” Being aware of this pattern of steps and skips is the most important aspect of learning the blues scale. Practice with the Pentatonic Scale Let’s put the theory weve just learned into practice. The main resting or finishing note of a key is called the “root.”   As an example, we’ll look at the key of A minor. In the key of A minor you have the notes A C D E G. Those would be all natural notes (with no sharps or flats) and all white keys on a piano. In any key you make a pentatonic scale in, you start with the root and go up a minor third (three half steps), then a whole step, then another whole step, then one more minor third, then one last whole step. So in the key of A minor, the interval pattern from the root  is: (A) Skip (C) Step (D) Step (E) Skip (G) Step (A) The same interval pattern would apply to any key, so even if the notes change, the sound of the scale will be similar. In other words, the interval structure is what determines most of the mood of a scale. When you go to learn this on the guitar, the main thing you will learn to do is memorize “boxes” or patterns of whole steps and minor thirds that go across the strings. We will talk about these more in the next section, but realize that it is an incredibly important and fundamental exercise to master at least one pentatonic box that you can use for playing songs. Difference Between the Pentatonic Blues Scales The main difference between the blues scale and the pentatonic is the addition of one note. In the whole step between the third and fourth notes, you will play the note that falls between the third and fourth notes. For example, in A minor, you’ll add an Eb in between D and E. So the interval pattern for the blues scale in the key of A minor would look like: A (Skip) C (Whole Step) D (Half Step) Eb (Half Step) E (Skip) G (Whole Step) A The reason this extra note is present is because it has a special place in a lot of blues melodies. It’s important to mention that it’s not enough just to have the extra note in the scale. The way you use it to create the blues sound is to play it in blues licks. The best way to understand this is to learn the scale, and then play songs that use it so you can see the way it gets applied. Playing the notes of the blues scale in totally random ways does not produce a “bluesy” sound; only playing the scale in the way it shows up in the traditional canon of songs will get you to the right place as a blues guitar player. RELATED: 5 Easy Blues Guitar Licks The Blues Scales in Common Keys When you start out learning the blues scale on guitar, you will want to learn the scale in the most common keys that it’s played in. Let’s start with the E blues scale. E Blues Scale This scale is usually considered the easiest to start with because it uses open strings and gives your fingers more time to adjust to changes. Source: Total Guitar and Bass In tablature, it will look like this. Source: National Guitar Academy If you want to play in most of the keys of the blues though, you need to learn the scale in a position that doesn’t use any open strings A Blues Scale The thing that is so nice about the guitar is this: once you know this shape, all you have to do is move it around to the key you want to play in! Source: Online Guitar Books Here is what the A blues scale looks like in tablature.   Source: Online Guitar Books Here are charts and tabs for two more of the most common keys. Give them a try and see if you can transfer the shape just by finding the root/starting note on your thick E string. G Blues Scale Source: ThoughtCo. Source: Online Guitar Books C Blues Scale Source: Guitar Command Source: Practicing the Blues Scale on Guitar Practice these scales in a way that inspires you. There are plenty of fun ways to master the blues scale on guitar, and you should choose the ones that inspire you the most. Remember: motivation comes from action! Here are a few ideas to get you started. Repeat the A minor blues scale from the lowest note to the highest note, and then back down until you can remember the notes in order without looking at a tab or diagram. Switch between reading the diagram and then trying to remember, to see where your memory has gaps. Play one note at a time in the scale, along with a metronome at 60 BPM. Try to remember the finger pattern while playing with your eyes closed. Open your eyes to look only if you get lost. Pick a random song and try to place the scale shape you learned on the root note. You can try different notes until you find the root by ear, or look up the key of the song and place the scale box on that root. Knowing the blues scale is like knowing the alphabet, and life is a lot better when you can spell! This scale gets used with specific licks and phrases that define the blues sound, and having a teacher to help you see the connection between the scale and the music can be very helpful. If you would like to find someone to help you take your blues skills a step further, look for a guitar teacher at TakeLessons. A local or online teacher will help you stay motivated as you progress, and give you more fun ways to practice all you’ve learned! Post Author: Jonathan B. Jonathan B. teaches blues guitar, bass, and more in State College, PA. Jonathan is a Temple University, Music Theory graduate and YouTube celebrity with thousands of subscribers.  Learn more about Jonathan here! Need Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Why The Arts Are Crucial To Education

Why The Arts Are Crucial To Education Save the arts thats the mantra of many educators. But, after all, it could be the arts that save us. Funding for arts education is consistently cut and decreased when budgets become tighter. Some administrators and educators dont believe its as important as other subjects, and its incredibly more difficult to measure the effects of an arts program. But, a presidentially-appointed committee on arts education is trying to change the perception of arts education, according to an article in the Washington Post. The committee is arguing that arts education can help students at all levels find their voice and have a better sense of their skills. However, the committees main argument is that arts education can actually improve students achievement in all subjects. Obamas Committee on the Arts and the Humanities recently released a report, Reinvesting in Arts Education: Winning Americas Future Through Creative Schools. The report is the first federal analysis of arts education in more than 10 years, and it took the committee 18 months to analyze the data. The report boils down into these five recommendations for arts education. Build robust collaborations among different approaches to arts education Develop the field of arts integration Expand in-school opportunities for teaching artists Utilize federal and state policies to reinforce the place of arts in K-12 education Widen the focus of evidence gathering about arts education The report's claim that arts can improve achievement in all areas caught the education worlds attention. Right now, educators are obsessed with improving students test scores. So, they are listening to anyone and anything that could possibly help test scores. The report didnt wait long to argue that more arts education will improve test scores. It jumps straight to that subject in one of the first few paragraphs of the 76-page analysis. The report also argues that more arts education will improve students motivation, engagement, persistence, class attendance and enhanced problem solving, creativity, social skills and multitasking. The report goes through great lengths to prove its claims most of which simply stem from the basic concept that engaging in creative activities helps improve and increase cognitive abilities, which then leads directly to better test scores and achievements.

9 Cooking Blogs To Follow For Amazing French Recipes

9 Cooking Blogs To Follow For Amazing French Recipes Megan L. One of the best things about learning to speak French is the opportunity to enjoy amazing French food! Even if you dont have plans to travel to France anytime soon, you can still take a culinary journey in your own kitchen. These nine French cooking blogs are absolute must-follows for foodie francophiles! Check out classic French recipes, contemporary takes on traditional flavors, and soak up a bit of French culture. Everyday French Chef Think you dont have time to prepare authentic French recipes? Think again! The Everyday French Chef  can teach you how to make delicious French food without spending all day slaving in the kitchen.    Written with normal working people in mind, this fabulous blog simplifies the art of cooking fine French cuisine. We recommend:  Sole Meunière Thanks to The Everyday French Chef, you can make this classic French dish in just minutes. Its perfect for a romantic dinner for two. French Girl Cuisine The author of French Girl Cuisine is Natacha Gajdoczki, a French girl living and cooking in Switzerland. Her recipes range from quick and simple for beginning chefs to more challenging dishes for kitchen wizards. She also occasionally mixes in flavors from other neighboring European countries. One thing that all her recipes have in common is how delicious they look! We recommend: Blueberry Tart Cook up this fresh and beautiful dessert to impress dinner guests, or keep it for yourself. French Revolution Food The author of French Revolution is a native New Yorker who takes inspiration from her French mothers cooking as well as American cuisine. Describing her recipes as French-American Fusion, she shares recipes that are simple and flavorful, and always come with a fun story to set the scene. We recommend: Summertime French Country Deviled Eggs Chocolate and Zucchini Looking for fresh, modern, and seasonal French recipes? Written from her Parisian kitchen, Clotilde Dusouliers blog Chocolate and Zucchini is precisely what youve been searching for. This modern French cooking blog highlights recipes that are both simple and delicious, as well as being great for cooks at all levels. We recommend:  Raw Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles Who doesnt love a little sweet treat? Roll up these little truffles by hand to impress your friends or a special someone. My French Kitchen My French Kitchen is a beautiful, artistically done French cooking blog that encourages creativity and experimentation in the kitchen. Based in Touraine, this blog explores traditional French flavors and is sure to inspire you to be freer and more imaginative in your cooking. Along with the beautiful food photography, My French Kitchen also often features lovely watercolor illustrations and photographs of French life. We recommend:  Carrot and Poppyseed Cupcakes These cupcakes are fresh and sweet, and extra moist because theyre made with yogurt. French Cooking for Dummies Who are you calling dummy?!? Actually, appreciating the fantastic ease and simplicity of these French recipes doesnt make you a dummy at all! Based in Paris, the author of French Cooking for Dummies aims to uncomplicate classic French cooking. With her help, anyone who wishes to try their hand at French cuisine is sure to succeed. We recommend: Warm Goat Cheese Salad This classic French bistro salad makes a delicious lunch, taking advantage of the amazing  natural flavors of goat cheese and arugula. On Rue Tatin Although she is based in France, the author of On Rue Tatin has a worldwide appreciation for both where food comes from and how it is prepared. If youre looking for French recipes that are more than just food, this is the blog for you. Explore customs and learn about the meaning of these delicious dishes. We recommend:  Strawberry Shortcake à la Française In spring when strawberries are fresh, this classic dessert is exceptionally delicious! The Flo Show Looking for a globetrotting French chef? Look no further than The Flo Show! This French native shares her internationally-inspired dishes alongside traditional French favorites. For a French spin on world cuisine, this blog simply cant be beat. We recommend: 2-Ingredient Chocolate Mousse How can something this delicious and fancy have only two ingredients? You wont believe how simple and delightful this recipe is. The Vegan Version In traditional French cooking, vegans have very few options among the meats, cheeses, and cream sauces that make up many French dishes. Seeking to correct this disparity, the author of The Vegan Version  is working her way through Julia Childs classic recipes and veganizing them.    If youre vegan, vegetarian, or just adventurous in the kitchen, youre sure to find intriguing new takes on old French recipes. We recommend: Bouillabaise A vegan version of this traditional fish soup is actually possible, and not that complicated to make. Youll be amazed by the authentic flavor! What are some of your favorite French recipes? Share them with us in the comments below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher